Even if you are a seasoned traveler when it comes to flying, there are still a few things that you shouldn’t do on a plane . While a few of these tips are just are just ways to be considerate to your fellow travelers or to protect your health, doing some of the things on this list might lead to you being escorted off the plane and either missing your flight, being arrested, or both! So buckle your safety belt, make sure your tray table is locked, and let’s look at the list!
Don’t drink the coffee
There are many rumors that the water used to prepare the coffee comes from the plane’s filtrated water system. In some cases, the water tank is in close proximity to the waste management tank. While the water is said to be safe, if a flight attendant refuses to drink it, it’s probably safer to just drink some bottled water instead.
Don’t brush your teeth
This also has to do with the water tank system on the plane. The tanks aren’t cleaned very often and can grow bacteria. It’s better to just save this task until you land.
Don’t go barefoot
That’s not water on the bathroom floor! (Think about it) The floors on the airplanes are the second most germ infested spot on an airplane. If you decide to take your shoes off while seated, you should put them back on if you need to make a trip to the bathroom during the flight.
Don’t eat food that has touched your tray table
If the floors are the second dirtiest spot on the plane, what is the first? You guessed it, it’s the tray table. Sure someone could have just sat a book or a drink on it, but there times when people have changed dirty diapers using the tray table. Do you really want to take that chance? If you want to be prepared, bring some antibacterial wipes with you and clean the whole thing off before you use it.
Don’t put your feet on other people’s arm rests
It’s just rude. Especially if you have your shoes off. Everyone wants to try to stretch out as much as they can, especially on long distance flights, but invading someone else’s space is not the way to do it. Everyone on board has paid for their own personal space, even if that space is small. And each person is entitled to have what they paid for.
Don’t be rude to the flight attendants
Flight attendants have a lot on their shoulders. They are there to make sure everyone gets boarded, seated correctly, and gets to their destination safely. They have a lot of regulations they have to abide by and go through a lot of training before they even become a flight attendant. Any instructions they give to you are given because they are either trying to keep the boarding process moving or trying to keep you safe.
And if they sometimes seem less than friendly, it is most likely due to someone else giving them a hard time. No one enjoys getting yelled at. And if they’re rushing you to get seated, it may be because the flight before was late, which is also not their fault. But worst of all, yelling at a flight attendant or choosing not to comply with their instructions, can lead to you getting kicked off of the plane. An airplane is not the place to try to rebel.
Don’t drink too much alcohol
While you may be able to hold your liquor on land, things are a little different at higher elevations. The higher the elevation, the more the alcohol affects you. If you wish to drink on the plane, take it slow so that you can evaluate what your “limit” is at 30,000 feet. And don’t get drunk. Getting drunk on a plane, and behaving badly could result in you being escorted off the plane in police custody when the plane lands. You paid good money for your vacation so don’t let alcohol ruin it.
Don’t wear heavy perfume or cologne
Planes do not have the best ventilation system. Any strong perfumes are amplified in the tiny space. And while you may love the scent of your favorite perfume, others around you may be more smell sensitive. Even women who are pregnant have been known to get sick over strong smells. So be courteous to those around you and apply your scents sparingly. Also, don’t bring smelly foods on board as these could have the same impact on those around you.
Don’t play loud music without headphones
Everyone wants to drown out the sound of the airplane engine or the crying child three rows behind them, but if you want to play music, make sure to plug your headphones in. Not everyone has the same taste in music and your seat neighbor may want to listen to their own music to relax. Always keep a pair of headphones in your carry on.
Don’t forget to move
Short flights are not really a concern, but longer flights can cause severe issues such as deep vein thrombosis or DVT in your legs. DVT are blood clots that start in your legs but can travel elsewhere in your body. One way to prevent them is to walk around on the plane when it’s safe to do so. Take a lap or two down the aisle to get the blood flowing. Another option is to wear a pair of compression socks on the plane. No, these are not just for the elderly. Even hospitals are issuing a pair of these after surgeries that require you to be immobile. You can even buy them in fun patterns. They are worth it!
Don’t forget your sanitizer
Not everyone washes their hands after going to the bathroom. That means that not only are the tray tables dirty but so are the bathroom doors and handles. Wipe down everything once you get in your seat including the tray table and arm rests. Use your hand sanitizer frequently. Getting sick is not a good start to any vacation.
In this day and age, there are many people who tend to think only about themselves. On an airplane though, there is no escape from your neighbors….at least for the duration of the flight. A little courtesy goes a long way to make a cramped flight feel more enjoyable. Remember that everyone just wants to enjoy their vacations!